Solving For SleepmintingRecently Tim Schneider, from Artnet posted a great story about how a whitehat hacker managed to trick the blockchain into forging tokens…Apr 25, 2021Apr 25, 2021
API Gateway Custom Lambda Authorizer using Cognito, Python, and ServerlessServerless is a pattern that helps developers build scalable APIs and to easily secure them. While serverless is incredible at creating a…Jan 20, 20191Jan 20, 20191
Published inDronzebotKubernetes 1.6 in AWS Kube Up and Deploying Your First Public ServiceI love mashups. Making them is a way to stand on the shoulders of giants and remix. It is fun. So this guide is kindof a mashup because I…Apr 14, 2017Apr 14, 2017
Published inDronzebotBuild a custom CLI to AWS Cloudformation with Boto3I will be honest. This isn’t my best guide. Its also not my worst. Think that lands it squarely in the “medium of medium” camp.Apr 5, 20171Apr 5, 20171
Published inDronzebotPost Webhooks of AWS SNS Messages with this Docker MicroserviceSometimes I wish AWS was simpler, more plug and play. I love all the flexibility, but sometimes to accomplish what I need to get done I…Mar 30, 20171Mar 30, 20171
Published inDronzebotOur fears about machine intelligence make us less prepared to face our future.It’s fun to think about the possibilities for the future, or to consider interesting or even scary possibilities. What if we are living in…Feb 19, 2017Feb 19, 2017
Published inDronzebotSetting Up Networking For An Ubuntu 16.10 Server in VirtualBoxAt we use use virtualbox to do local development is great. I use it so I can emulate configurations that I would…Feb 15, 20171Feb 15, 20171
Published inDronzebotJenkins Groovy Script ApprovalJenkins is trying to provide better security, but of course with better security means stuff won’t just work out of the box. That is what…Feb 11, 20171Feb 11, 20171
Published inDronzebotDocker “no space left on device” INode and Overlay ProblemsSometimes when you are doing DevOps its hard to tell what is really going on, especially when modern deployment architectures are intended…Jan 29, 20171Jan 29, 20171
Published inDronzebotAnsible and Docker Py Path Issues and Resolving ThemI ran into a snag while trying to build out our CICD pipeline here at, and I wanted to write a quick article that might help…Dec 29, 20161Dec 29, 20161